I've been taking swim lessons again, and I'm pretty happy with the results. I had the following conversation with mommy after the latest:
Me: I was the fastest swimmer in the pool.
Mommy: Really? Good job!
Me: The other boys were the slowest. (pause) I'll go make myself a ribbon.

Here's my ribbon. #1! #1! Whoooooooo!!!
Swimming hasn't been my only opportunity to flex my manliness. Yesterday, Gram and I went out looking for some beaver:

We struck out on the beaver, and it was a dam shame. Dam it all, beavers. Dam it all.
Having failed to procure beaver, we went sledding on our butts instead.

Still fairly manly...
Lastly, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Dick paid us a surprise visit this past weekend. I explained to them that while they were here, they should be aware that there are nine planets and that they all orbit around the sun.

(And showed them how to fly an airplane)
Me: I was the fastest swimmer in the pool.
Mommy: Really? Good job!
Me: The other boys were the slowest. (pause) I'll go make myself a ribbon.

Here's my ribbon. #1! #1! Whoooooooo!!!
Swimming hasn't been my only opportunity to flex my manliness. Yesterday, Gram and I went out looking for some beaver:

We struck out on the beaver, and it was a dam shame. Dam it all, beavers. Dam it all.
Having failed to procure beaver, we went sledding on our butts instead.

Still fairly manly...
Lastly, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Dick paid us a surprise visit this past weekend. I explained to them that while they were here, they should be aware that there are nine planets and that they all orbit around the sun.

(And showed them how to fly an airplane)