Thursday, May 11, 2006

The flight out to Minnesota was pretty sweet. I've flown a couple of times in the past, but this was the first time I noticed all of the cool buttons and controls on my seat. I've also learned a little bit about parental manipulation, as you can see from this conversation on the plane:

Me: (pointing up) What's that button?
Mommy: That's what you press if you need to talk to the stewardess.
Me: I want to press it!
Mommy: Well, we only press it if there's an emergency.
Me: What's an emergency?
Mommy: It's when something is wrong with you.
(pause for thought)
Me: Mommy, I'm not feeling good well. (coughs)

Now I'm kickin' it in the 'sota for a few days until daddy comes to pick us up and drive us out to Seattle. Ever since we got off the plane, I've been telling mommy that I'm not feeling good well in the hopes that one of those times, she'll let me press the button.


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