It had been a while since I'd sat down and discussed the finer points of legal theory with dad's school friends, so I was looking forward to seeing them all again at the annual UVA Law Spring Picnic. Much to my surprise, they were less interested in my controversial views on Alphabet Tort Theory and more interested in quizzing me on my state capitals. I obliged (and killed--100% correct!), and a few sad souls even admitted that I knew more than they did on the subject:

What the hell are they teaching these clowns if not the state capitals???
I also caught the eye of one of dad's professors, the great Caleb Nelson. He seemed genuinely impressed with my intellect, something that is apparently a rarity. I was told that I had a head start on getting a recommendation for a clerkship. Whatever that is.

Me 'n' Caleb. He doesn't seem to notice that I'm impersonating him. (NB: Only dad's law friends will get that or find it remotely amusing.)
PS: True story-- it was only a few weeks ago that mom explained to me that dad went to "law school" and not "lost school" as I had thought for my entire life. So it turns out that dad has been learning the law and not getting lost every day. Who knew?

What the hell are they teaching these clowns if not the state capitals???
I also caught the eye of one of dad's professors, the great Caleb Nelson. He seemed genuinely impressed with my intellect, something that is apparently a rarity. I was told that I had a head start on getting a recommendation for a clerkship. Whatever that is.

Me 'n' Caleb. He doesn't seem to notice that I'm impersonating him. (NB: Only dad's law friends will get that or find it remotely amusing.)
PS: True story-- it was only a few weeks ago that mom explained to me that dad went to "law school" and not "lost school" as I had thought for my entire life. So it turns out that dad has been learning the law and not getting lost every day. Who knew?
I'm sad I missed Eli at the picnic. Sadly, I avoided it because pulled pork is delicious but decidedly un-kosher for Passover and really, why put yourself in the way of temptation. Bad timing, SBA!
Oh Miranda, you have no idea how much I know about you. Daddy tells me everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Let's put it this way-- in addition to the 50 state capitals, I can name the last 50 dudes you hooked up with. In alphabetical order. To the tune of "Mary Had A Little Lamb."
Or just losing track.
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