Daddy's been taking some big test, so without an editor I've been unable to update the ol' blog in way too long. I have a ton of pictures to post, so let's get to it. It seems like forever, but only two months ago we moved into our little flat in Jenkintown. Daddy was on the ball and took a few "before" pictures:

Our living room.

My room. Lots of space to lay Thomas tracks!
Grandma Nene and Grandpa Don helped us move in. Here we all are on my sweet new bed:

Grandma Nene and I did some serious weeding:

(I'm doing my scary rabbit imitation to scare off the bunnies that have taken up residence in our yard.)
One day we took a break from the grunt work to take the train into downtown Philadelphia:

As you can tell, I was damn excited:

They don't have slums like this in Charlottesville!
We joined the hordes of tourists to see the Liberty Bell. It has a big crack, which daddy wouldn't let me touch.

Then we took a boat across the Delaware River to beautiful New Jersey.

Philly looks really nice from over here. Especially compared to New Jersey.

Then we split a cheesesteak. So delicious. It's enough to make you actually want to eat without constantly being berated by your parents...

All of our neighbors have swimming pools, so I told daddy we had to keep up with the Joneses. So we did, and I helped us install it:

Those who lived near us in Charlottesville will be glad to know that despite the unfamiliar surroundings, our cat Marge still leads us on our walks:

That brings us up to early July. Next installment of pictures, coming soon!

Our living room.

My room. Lots of space to lay Thomas tracks!
Grandma Nene and Grandpa Don helped us move in. Here we all are on my sweet new bed:

Grandma Nene and I did some serious weeding:

(I'm doing my scary rabbit imitation to scare off the bunnies that have taken up residence in our yard.)
One day we took a break from the grunt work to take the train into downtown Philadelphia:

As you can tell, I was damn excited:

They don't have slums like this in Charlottesville!
We joined the hordes of tourists to see the Liberty Bell. It has a big crack, which daddy wouldn't let me touch.

Then we took a boat across the Delaware River to beautiful New Jersey.

Philly looks really nice from over here. Especially compared to New Jersey.

Then we split a cheesesteak. So delicious. It's enough to make you actually want to eat without constantly being berated by your parents...

All of our neighbors have swimming pools, so I told daddy we had to keep up with the Joneses. So we did, and I helped us install it:

Those who lived near us in Charlottesville will be glad to know that despite the unfamiliar surroundings, our cat Marge still leads us on our walks:

That brings us up to early July. Next installment of pictures, coming soon!
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